Profile Photo
A professional photo is the key of succes for your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. And don't forget Facebook, Pinterest, Google + or any other network. Because it's the first impression.

Travel photography from Russia till Philipiness. Visiting Moscow, Sint Petersburg, Singapore, Manilla, Qingdao ....

The art of wedding photography. Only one day shoot for a marriage of a century. How to catch the happiness of bride and groom? Their guest and the environment?

Dutch Delight
Tasty and colorful pictures from live with the Dutch. Visit the Markthal in Rotterdam or the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Holland has a lot to offer to foreigners. Enjoy dancing.

Soviet Union
Pictures taken on color slides in the Soviet Union from 1979 till 1991. From White Russia in the West to Lake Baikal in Siberia. From the Baltic States to the Causasus with Georgia in the South. And the Asian Republics Uzbekistan, Kazachstan and Turkmenistan.

The real photography of black and white. Working with contrasts no colours marks the master. Only the best photographers can make B&W pictures. The only way to light the character in a portrait.